Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

NLF Gals Calendar of Events

NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Hello Ladies

As we are about to begin a new year, I am wondering where our joy is. Have we lost it?

C.S. Lewis says, "I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are not substitutes for Joy". Do we have we have uncommon Joy? In other words do we live in a state of joy that regardless who has harmed us or what has happened we still have joy?
Can we say that regardless of what happens we live in a state of constant, uncommon joy? What must we do to live in a rich contentment of joy, which cannot be affected by outside forces. What is it that you find Joy in, shopping,or other pleasures?
JOY is a actually a state of the HEART. No one can mess with your joy unless we let them. John 15:11 says I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my Joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!
Maybe we have just misplaced our joy.
It's not really gone - maybe it is hiding in a hidey-hole somewhere. Do we need to find our joy again?
Tell me what you need to do to find your JOY again.

May the God of Hope fill you with JOY and peace as you trust in Him. Romans 15:13

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas day

Hello Ladies
I know it is Christmas day and you will all be busy with family and friends.
You will be loving on your kids and grandkids. You will be wishing the day will never end............No not all of us will be doing this, not all of us will have a glorious day. Some of you are hurting and feel that this is the worse time of the year instead of the greatest time of the year.
Jesus says "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will
give you rest. Matt. 11:28.
Sisters, we need to stand in the gap for our hurting sisters..Let us pray for our lovely Sisters that are down and can not deal with this heavy, crushing feeling.
You do not need to know what they are going through but just pray that they know they're the daughter of the King. Lets watch out for our sisters. Be someone who cares, someone who will listen.
Before you go this day take a few minutes to lift up those who God brings to our minds to pray for. Encourage and lift each other up.....Thats what sisters are for. And you all are the greatest sisters anyone could ask for..
Love you all and praying you have a meaningful, blessed Christmas!

Friday, December 17, 2010


I was reading this morning in the message bible and I came across some verses I just have to share with you all. I am reminded that this is how you guys are through these verses. love you all

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it.
RUN for dear life from evil
Hold on for dear life to good
Be good friends who love deeply, practice playing second fiddle
Don't burn out. keep yourself fueled and aflame
Be alert servants of the Masters, cheerfully expectant.
Don't quit in hard times, Pray all the harder.
Help needy Christians, be inventive in hospitality.
Laugh with your happy friends, when they're happy
Share tears when they're down.
Get along with each other, don't be stuck up.
Make friends with nobodies, don't be the great somebody. Romans 12:9-16

Obedience from the heart! God wants us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices - daily laying aside our own desires to follow him. Putting ALL of our energy and resources that he has given us at His disposal and trusting Him to guide us!
We do this out of gratitude that our sins have been forgiven!
Do it joyfully for His service.
Praying for each of you during this precious season
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blessings you recieved from Revelation study!

Hello Ladies
As I have been reflecting on the book of Revelation, I have been wondering how it is affecting your life by now?
Here is a list of blessings that you had on the last day of our study:
1) Trust and Rest in the future
2) A picture of Satan accusing us in front of Jesus like a tattle tale, but when we ask for forgiveness it is gone and Jesus says what??
3) Be READY I don't want anything in my heart to miss out on heaven
4) I now know that this world in not my home and know what is coming for us - be encouraged
5) greater desire to witness
6) greater understanding of Rev.
7) Always wondered is this all live is??? now I know this is not our home
8) Chapter 9 the description of Hell - chapter 21 description of heaven if they just read this, who would not choose heaven
9) I am coming ready
10) Sign on our foreheads - a testimony of how we live
11) learned how evil Satan is - Time is short - what is important is eternal things!
12) Time is NEAR
13) Confidence of my salvation
14) All things NEW
15) May I not waste a single blessing
16) Churches WAKE UP and where I am in the warnings to the Church's
17) Time is short
18) Over all Be obedient - Be listening - Be Bold
19) Took away the fear of dieing
20) God was in control all the time From Gen to Rev.
21) Excited for end times- need to witness each day
22) Need to remember Satan has no hold on me
23) If we hang on to unforgiveness we can not hang on to our first love!
24) Prayers of the Saints are so important
25) Book of Hope
26) Not knowing was the fear of Rev, now it is gone
27) We are overcomes -
28) Worship - full of worship to our God
29) end of Rev. very comforting, everything will be made NEW
30) I am longing for Home, I have eternity set in my heart -

Any day we can be finally home with our Lord!
There is nothing that needs to happen for our Lord to come and get His bride.
Rev, 22:17 The Spirit and the Bride say "come!" And let him who hears say "COME"
Who ever is thirsty let him come and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life!

Now I would like to hear how the Study of Revelation has changed your perspective on how you view others. Do you see them in a different way. In verse 17 the Holy Spirit, the bride (which is the church) is extending the invitation to all the world to come to Jesus and experience the joys of salvation in Christ.
Are you (wE) being those feet and hands to take the message of Jesus to others?
Tell me about those divine moments. (You can post right here, you do not have to email me)

The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen

Love you ladies!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Chrsitmas Risk

Today we go from a Christmas Challenge to "Christmas Risk", and it has me thinking. So much of us love our comfy chairs and a "relationship with Jesus". We like the assurance of heaven and feeling like we're good people. It's all very...nice. But we're not called to "nice". We're called to follow Jesus wherever He leads--not just to our favorite row in the sanctuary, but to the trenches, over the edge, into the deep.

Jesus calls us to pick up our crosses and not look back, and to follow Him. Matt. 16:24
We seek what's pleasant, but we should be seeking God. I think if we know that if we listened--really listened--to the Holy Spirit, we'd lose a lot of comfort. We think that's the thing we want to avoid most, but somewhere inside of us isn't there a place that yearns for the challenge of hard-core obedience?

Think about when we watch reality shows where people push themselves for a goal. It's the reason people spend hours cheering on the favorite teams or playing video games. We were made for battle, but we've condemned ourselves to being warriors on the couch. I'm right there with you!

I don't want to be a powerless Christ-follower. I want in the game. I want to go where He leads, sacrifice and endure and work for whatever plan He has for me.
I want the risk. I want His about you?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Love Came Down at Christmas

Hello Ladies
As you are busy with getting ready for Christmas, I thought it would be good to just think
on the love of Jesus for a little bit.

Lets think of the wonder of God’s love during this Christmas time?

The Christmas message of God giving us His Son Jesus can often be forgotten, and not just because of the busyness and presents. But something even more important is lost during Christmas. Something much deeper-- the wonder of God’s amazing love for us.

Maybe you were blessed with a warm, loving childhood, and the wealth of memories from Christmases past leaves you feeling full of joy and cheer.
But for many others, Christmas recalls memories that dredge up dark times and feelings of despair. The sights and sounds of Christmas may be a painful portrayal of family fights, broken promises, and loneliness. Memories may be buried but leave a trail of betrayal and hurt. But oh remember!!
"Oh, How He Loves You and Me"

Another message so often lost during Christmas is that the journey of Jesus doesn’t begin with Christmas. It began whereever time began, he always was.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning” (John 1: 1-2).

Chuck Swindoll’s said last week: Jesus didn’t have to come. He was with God the Father from eternity past and yet He chose to be born in a stable and die on a cross. Why?
Love. A word we throw around so casually all the time.

So how can we even begin to grasp the power, depth, and provision of this kind of love shown to us by God?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17

My challenge to you: “Do you ever just let God love you?”

Heart of Christmas is Love

This may be the real Christmas challenge, the one we forget and secretly struggle with daily. Not just that Jesus is the ‘Reason for the Season’ but that God’s love is behind it all. The warmth, the joy, the happy memories – they all come from one Source. We need to simply accept the gift of His love and let Him love us.

Yet it is one we forget so easily. And sometimes it is not just Santa that distracts us. we get wrapped up in, wrapping presents, the endless list of parties, shopping, programs and making food, cookies and candy and every other well-meaning distraction.

Because all of that still misses out on the deeper message: He didn’t have to come. But He did-- out of a deep depth of love for us. (Ephesians 3:17-19) We can not understand this kind of love. That’s a difficult message for us (me)to grasp. Even after decades of being a believer, I know I still struggle with it. Santa and worldy things are so much easier. But So is the cute little baby boy and the wonderful story of His birth.

But the real heart of Christmas is the love that started it all, way back before Mary and Joseph got turned down for a place to stay in Bethlehem.

Here's your "Christmas Challenge" for all of you who chose to accept this:

It’s the message for us to share with those around us -- especially the ones hurting who need it the most. You know---the not-so-lovables? Perhaps like the scraggly shepherds that God chose to send His angels to long ago. (Luke 2:8-20)

God wants us to heal the brokenhearted and to set the captives free (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:18). He wants to shake us and remind us why Jesus came at all: I LOVE YOU, He shouts! But all-too-often we can’t hear Him over Santa’s sleigh bells and carols about baby Jesus.

The Bible is a book of love, God’s desire for a love relationship with us, and the gift of His Son. How can we stretch outside our comfort zone, go beyond the commercial ‘reach out and touch someone’, and truly love someone this Christmas? (1 John 3:23, 1 John 4:7-11)

Oh, and don’t forget to let the wonder of God’s miraculous love in to bless you this Christmas.
Love you all so much and praying for you all

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mary Was a Reflective Woman
“My mom used to keep a record of things that happened in our family. But it was more than just a list; it became a book for each year, (I still have them today) As I look back on it, I realize how much work that would be and how much time that must of taken her!
It’s hard to take time to reflect when we’re so busy. It seems like any spare minutes we have get filled up with email, cell phones, or texing or face book.

We can learn something important from Mary of Nazareth. The Bible tells us that after she gave birth to Jesus, “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
Twelve years later, when she and Joseph found Jesus talking with teachers in the temple, once more she “treasured all these things in her heart.”

In the middle of her responsibilities, Mary took time to contemplate what was happening in her life and to meditate on what God had done.
When was the last time you were quiet before God and pondered all that He was doing? I hurry to spend so much time studying but then I forget to take time to sit back each morning and look out the window and longingly seek Him.

Since we have studyed the book of Revelation together, I see the importance of this. As we begin to look to our new study, I have a question for you to ponder.
How is your spiritual love life? (the study of Rev. and the study of Ruth goes along with this!)
1)On a 1 to 10 how would you rate your concern for others?

2)Are you ready to pay the price that comes with a sincere loving concern for your sisters?

This is what the bible says: "Little Children,let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them and show it by our actions." 1 John 3:18

We will find this thread of self-sacrificing love as we dig into Ruth. I am excited please sign up and join us~!

Love to all Carolyn

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Monday night

Hello Ladies
I am so excited to see you all Monday night!
It is a special night filled with fellowship, food, fun and gifts.
Wonderful gifts that you all are bring. That gift that is sitting in your house
and you sure do not want it anymore. That thing that you wonder why you ever bought or someone gave you!!! Come out and join the fun, you will not be sorry.
You are to bring a salad or a dessert and your wonderful gift. See you all Monday night at 6pm. Invite or better yet, Bring someone from church that had not joined us for a while!

The Joy of the Lord is our strength!!
love you all Carolyn

Sunday, November 21, 2010

GI 101 meeting planned for Jan. 8th

ladies, those of you who are going to the Domincian Republic in Feb and those of you that want to go on a mission trip in the future, there will be a GI-101 meeting for you.
We want everyone that is going on a missions trip to go though these.
It does not matter where you are going, it is a meeting that will inform you and get you ready for your missions trip.
We are excited that these will now be at our church (New Life) instead of having to go over to Nappanee. These will be led by Dean Bontrager, Marian Byrnes and Clara Miller.
Our meeting will be Jan 8th. 9 to 11:30. All you that are going to the DR, please plan to come to this meeting.
Therefore GO and make disciples Matt.28:19
Love you all

girlfriends fun night

I want to invite you all to our ladies fun night on Dec 6th (a monday night)
It will be a carry in dinner,at 6pm at the church.
(so bring your favorite dish to share)
Ham, scalloped potatoes, drink and tableware will all be provided.
Please sign up tomorrow at bible study or next sunday if you can come.
Please use this evening to invite those who have not been a part of our group.
This will be a fun evening that will not be scary for other ladies that do not usually come.

Also bring a White ELephant - grab bag gift. Oh my the things some of you come up with is so funny. Lots of laughs will be coming your way that night.

If you have any questions ask Kay Simmons, Diane Roe or Kim Taylor.
Kims phone # is 260-350-0666

I want to encourage you to please come. It will be a wonderful evening.Bring your friends that do not come to New Life!Lets make it a night to glorify our Father.
Prov 17:17 A friend loves at all times!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thanks Giving

Hello Ladies
I am so excited to be able to spend Thanksgiving Day with a lot of you at new Life.
If you do not have anything to do on Thanksgiving Day come hang out with us at New Life.
I found a new favorite verse. I think it is so awesome that God thinks of us this way.
If you are having one of those days that you are feeling down remember this verse!
2 Cor. 11:2 I am Jealous for you with a godly jealous. I promise you to one husband to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him.
WOW WOW GOd loves us so much that he is helping us to be that pure bride that he is coming back for in Rev. 19. Tell me how that makes you feel as a Child of God that he is jealous for you? Know Ladies that you are loved!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

ITs been a long time

Hello Ladies
Ok it is time to get back to the blog.
We need to start letting you all know what is going on with the girlfriends!
we have some very neat things coming up for you to attend.

We have 2 more weeks of Ladies bible study on Revelation.
and on December 6th ( on a monday night)we will be getting together.
Kim will be letting us know all about this night soon.

ON December 12th we are having everyone in the church join us to go Caroling.
We will return to the church for hot chocolate and donuts. Please sign up to bring cookies for baskets to give out.

Those of you in the Knitting group, You will have have a chance to go to The Revolution Church and hand out scarves. If you want to go see Barb Myers soon.
It will be an awesome thing to be involved in. We will be walking the streets with them helping them pass out bibles and of course scarves.

Hallelujah Praise God
Salvation and glory and power belong to our GOd
For TRUE and JUST are his judgments Rev. 19:1

You all are the greatest
Praying for you all

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Days

Hello Ladies
I know that I have not put anything on the blog for a while.
Summer is just so different.
Here is my challenge to you. Read Revelation.
It says in Rev. 1:3 that you will be blessed if you read this prophecy. Sooooo if you want to be blessed this week, read Rev. It also says that you will be blessed if you listen to it read. Get a friend (or husband) and read it together.
Do not be afraid of it. It is a great book and you will find a lot of golden nuggets in that book!
Have a great summer ladies!

New life gals camping trip

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This free scrapbook design made with Smilebox

Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Lord is a Strong Tower

A Strong Tower

Proverbs 18:10 says The name of the Lord is my Stong tower the righteous run into it and they are saved.
This verse is talking how God being strong and mighty, and he saves all that comes into him. It is also a verse that should be shouted by us in battle. It is a declaration and exclamation that if we call on the name of our God, he will save us.

How many of you know what I am talking about? The enemy had you covered on every side. There was no way out, but you called on the Lord and he placed a hedge of protection round and about you. God put up a fortified tower right in the midst of the enemy's camp, and told you to rest easy you are safe. Let take a closer look. Well we know that the definition of strong is having great physical strength and a tower is a extremely tall building. Their is no one stronger than Our God. He is taller than any situation that we may be facing and in God we find protection from our enemies. The righteous run into it and they are saved. We are the righteous - now don't get it twisted! Its not anything that we have done that made us righteous. The bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags unto God, but he considers us righteous because we are covered by the blood of the Righteous One God's son Jesus the Christ. We run and not walk because we believe that once we are inside we are indeed safe.

Are you running into that tower today? Are you seeking to be saved by the Master today? Are you looking to be rescued from some traps someone set for you? Does the enemy have you surrounded on every side? I want you to know that there is a Savior that has made an escape for you today. His name is Jesus! Call on him if you are seeking salvation and you will be saved. Call on his name if you are in bondage and you need to be freed. Call on the name of Jesus if you are surrounded, and watch how your enemies may have come in one direction to attack you, but he will flee in seven directions frantically. Call on the name of Jesus today and be saved.

What is a Strong Tower? A tower is not a modern day skyscraper or any tall building. A Strong tower is a place of safe refuge. It fights more enemies in its range, it causes more damage to the enemies, and can take more damage than the normal watch tower. A strong tower has large areas to sleep large amounts of men, and can hold and store a large amount of food. Its huge and heavily fortified. They are built of thick stone blocks and they are tough.

Now the spiritual similarities: Strong towers have thick stone blocks and are enormous. Our God is a rock, He is our fortress, Our stronghold. In fact in Psalm 61:3, David says of the Lord been his refuge and strong tower against the foe. How true. Our God is so huge. In Jeremiah 23:24 our Lord declares He fills the Heavens and the Earth. That's how big our God is. He fills it ALL. No situation is too Big for him. Luke 1:37 says ' For with God all things are possible'

Share how God is your strong tower today Carolyn

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thank You

We received this note:

Thank you gals for the beautiful blankets you donated to the CPC. You are all such a blessing.

In His Service
The Compassion Pregnancy Center
Staff & Volunteers

Monday, May 17, 2010


Starting next Monday morning we will be meeting for Coffee/Breakfast at Tiffany's in Topeka at 8:30AM. Please note the time and location change and let all your other Girlfriends know!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Girlfriends this is why we are here for each other!

Moses' arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset."

Exodus 17:12

Yes this is why God made girlfriends! He knew we needed each other so much.
I love you all because God loves me!
Thanks for always being there for each other. I see you all ministering to each other
when there is a need.Praying for them, encourage each other, showing them love, How awesome to be a part of Gods people who Love Him and desire to be a part of His family!
Blessings to all of you!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Have you ever said this?????? “I have three kids, but sometimes it feels like thirty-three! They even follow me into the bathroom! Everybody needs me!”

Did you ever think that Jesus understands all your feelings even this one? Jesus can relate to the busyness women feel today. In Mark 1 we read about a day in the life of our Lord. First, He taught in the synagogue. Then He cast out a demon. Then He healed the mother-in-law of a friend. A full day to say the least! Then later that evening, He didn’t even get a break. The Scripture says in the evening that the whole town gathered at His door, and He healed the sick.

So how did Jesus keep that kind of pace? Well, listen to what He did the following morning:

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed ” (Mark 1:35). Hmmm. I think he just showed us how to handle the pressure of our busy days.

Don't for get Jesus LOVES YOU and loved to meet with you each day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

something to think about

Hello ladies
As I was having my time with God, I was thinking about the things I use to be
convicted about and I am not any more.
I had to wonder who changed there minds. Did God suddenly say oh I guess that is not very important any more I guess you do not have to take care of that, or
have I become so callused in those areas that I no longer hear the Holy Spirit in those areas any more. I am reminded of these following verses.

Jer 6:10 (NIV) "To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it."

Zech 7:11-13 (NIV) "But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and stopped up their ears. They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen... So the Lord Almighty was very angry. "When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,' says the Lord Almighty."

Mat 13:12-17 (NIV) "Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables: [from Isa 6:9-11] 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.' In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become callused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."

Have you ever thought about being concerned of those things that you are no longer convicted of?
There is more to hearing than ears, and there is more to seeing than eyes. You and I must beware of an open heart.
Hearing loss is so gradual that we don’t notice. We stop seeing the familiar. We stop being sensitive to the truth because we are safe “within our castle,” defending our interests. This human problem is made more intense by religious institutions. Paul’s listeners inherited the great stories of God’s work in the lives of their ancestors. They inherited the synagogue, the written word, the teachings of the rabbis. But they like too many of us stopped encountering God. They had ears that did not hear, and eyes that did not see, and hearts that were hard. The encounter with God became lost within doing there own thing.
Tell me what you think. Is this of any concern to us as we seek to know God more?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Beth Moore w/ Duella Belle Murphy & Beth Ann Cudswaller

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Beth Moore Skit - Part I

Beth Moore Skit - Part II

Beth Moore Skit - Part III

beth Moore day

I am over whelmed for such a wonderful day!
It went so fast, I just wanted her to keep speaking!
Jesus Loves us, such an simple thing I have known all my life, but do I
really understand what it really means.
Jesus loves me this I know because His word tells me so.
Ladies as you leave your house this morning please know Jesus Loves you!!
Yes YOU! Yes YOU! He loves you, I (we) need to get that from my head to my Heart.
Please tell me what you took away from Beth sharing?

Friday, April 23, 2010

for once we can laugh at a mouse!

THIS VIDEO was on Cindys blog and thought I had to share it with you all.
It is so funny that as I was watching it my dog had to come over and see what I
was watching.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beth Moore/ Cindy B & Teresa's Insecurity


Beth Moore has her insecurities and Cindy Bontrager and Teresa Miller are having thiers as they prepare to perform at the event. To help them out a they are asking that you make sure to laugh out loud (LOL) as they perform to give them encouragement!! (Throw some prayers in there too!)

New life gals to the movies

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What a wonderful evening we had going to see Letters to God and out to eat.
I was thrilled that a movie like this is being shown all over the US. WOW what a message to give to all those who do not know the Lord and will get to hear the message just one more time! I am so excited to know that God is working so hard these last days to make sure everyone has a choice to hear His word. Lets pray that the people who see this movie will be moved to give there hearts to the Lord!
Thank you all who went with us we had a blast! We cried and laughed AGAIN!
Who picked this movie??????

Monday, April 12, 2010

Movie and Dinner

Monday evening we will be going to a movie and dinner. We would love to have you join us. The movie is at Lin way Plaza in Goshen. The movie we will be watching is Letters TO God. the movie starts at 6pm so we will go to the movie first than have dinner at Hacienda. If you are going please let me know so we can make reservations for dinner.
Also if you want to ride together, please meet at the church at 5pm and we will car pool. If you have alarger car and would like to drive let me know.
We would love to have all of you join us!

laugh today

I am so over whelmed with Gods word and how he has everything we need in his word.
Like today i was reading how he gives us promises of Joy!
Job 8:21 He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of Joy!

We thrive on laughter. A good humor is great for the soul! Its like the chocolate chips in the ice cream of life! We need to laugh more, see God laughing with us, remember the good old days and make new good old days!
Gen 21:6 says God has brought me laughter and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.
So what is it today that we need to laugh at with you?

Like Kathy when she fell down this week with Cooper. No one was hurt and Cooper slept through it. But Cathy, laughed and laughed and we have laughed with her!!

And me since I put a Hugh dent in the truck have laughed since, wondering who put that 3 foot cement thing in my way?

What can we laugh at with you today???????

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ladies Outreach

The dates are set ladies for our outreach in 2011
It is Feb, 12-19th, 2011
Mark your calendars and pray
Let me know if you are interested.
We will talk about it in the G-group/ Missions

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Resurrection Sunday!

Wow Resurrection Sunday is here!
Isn't it wonderful to celebrate this Resurrection Sunday with
You church family and your family and all those who Love the Lord!
Tell me what does this Sunday mean to you?
Tell us what the Lord has done for you to encourage others?
Love you all, have a blessed resurrection Sunday!

Luke 23: Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing!
Luke 23: Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit!
Luke 24: "The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again!" Them they remembered his words!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

april fools jokes

Ok girls tell us the biggest April Fools joke you did or someone did on you!!
Lets hear them for a good great belly laugh!!

Share the word with us!

Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word. Psalms 119:67

Reading the word of God is so important~
"Spiritual discipline": We seem to repeat our mistakes within our Christian walk until we learn to bring "Spiritual disciplines" into our life - disciplines that will help us to stay focused on God and His Word. In addition to these disciplines, we must purpose in our heart to be filled daily with the Spirit of God (See Eph 5:18). Once we have learned these principles, we can do them to make sure we have an effective Christian life that brings honor to God and edifies those around us.

Reading the Word of God is one of those disciplines. It is absolutely essential that we read our bibles continuously! It is how we know the will of God for our lives.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2

God has chosen His Word as the way with which He speaks to us and to give us guidance. Girlfriends I love you all so much that I want to make sure you are hearing from our Lord each tell me what you have heard and read from Him today....Share your verse

Sunday, March 28, 2010

news release

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Retreat response

God showed up and showed off this week-end and I love it when he does that.
Yes we did not have Merniva and Laverna serious this year but wow what a powerful play that was. I would like you all to blog something that was especially meaningful to you. What was the powerful thing that you brought away from the retreat?

more Princesses

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Princesses in Pajamas

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Friday, March 26, 2010


Ohhhhh its here Girlfriends! The day has arrived. Gather up you sleeping bags and your bible and run to the church! It is so beautiful and the prayer room is somewhere you just don't want to leave.
I can't wait to join you there on this beautiful day. I am praying your day goes smooth and that your families are all well and taken care of! May God have his way this week-end!
Love you all and can't wait to learn to know each of you better

Monday, March 22, 2010

Girlfriends reaching out

Hey girls we need to reach out to Sandy.
She is home but it is very hard for her.
So.....Ladies lets do somethings for her.
If you would like to take a meal in please call LeiLani
Also lets send her cards, if you want to go see her give her a call
and go visit and let Nelson get out of the house a little bit.
She is very sad that she can not join us for the retreat this year.
So lets lift her up as much as we can!
I know you will.
Thank you Ladies

Ladies Coffee

We had a full table at the Emma Cafe today for the Ladies coffee!
You Ladies are wonderful. Lots of laughs, surprises and Joys were shared today! Thanks for that have come out.
Remember to bring an old picture to share next week.
Love you all .

Friday, March 19, 2010

You are special to God

Oh my dear sisters, do you know how precious you are to God?
Ps 139:13-16 says: Oh yes you shaped (me) first inside than out; you formed (me) in my Mothers womb! I thank you High God - you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration - what a creation! You know (me) inside and out. You know every bone in my body, you know exactly how I was made bit by bit!, how I was sculpted from nothing into something! Like an open book you watched (me) grow from conception to birth; all the stages of (my) life were spread out before you. The days of (my) life all prepared before I'd even lived one day! (Living bible)

Wow ladies, put your name in this verse. See how much you are loved by our Father!!
As we look at our journeys at the retreat, remember this verse!
Love you all

Thursday, March 18, 2010

free giveaway!

In the study of Esther, by Beth Moore she says the
entire book of Esther is summed up with 3 words
____________ _____ ___________
Can you tell me what that is?
If you are the 1st to get it right you are the winner!
good luck!

free giveaway!

Ok ladies we are going to give a free giveaway today
I will post what you are to do tonight.
Giving you all sometime to get the word out
See you tonight!


Sandy Troyer is home from the hospital!
What a praise that she is home already!
Lets continue to keep her in our prayers so that
neck can heal and be back to normal

I love the song : Oh how he loves us, playing right now
Oh how he loves us and he is Jealous for us
Jealous for us, wow yes he is!
Love your Lord today!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Monday Morning Coffee

What a blessing you all are and what fun we had at our first coffee
last Monday morning. We hope the rest of you join us this Monday
at 9am. We meet at the Emma store!
We were excited to welcome Leigh Malone to our group.
It is fun to learn something new about everyone that was there.
We learned something new about Cindy, when she showed up 20 minutes late...
Guess you will have to ask her what detained her! We love our Cindy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Special Pray

Please pray for Sandy Troyer.
She was in an car accident today and is
in the Elkhart hospital. She has a broken neck,so
we need to pray for a healing touch from our Father.
God is our healer.Pray for a peace that she can rest and stay quiet.
sandy loves to wait on people now we need to wait on her.
Ladies please pray also for Nelson. He is in need of our prayers
also. LeiLani and I went to see her after church tonight. She has no pain right now but she does need to be very still. pray she can rest tonight
thanks Sisters you are the greatest!
Love you!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

salt of the earth and light of the world/study for today

God calls us to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. Matt.5:13-16
if salt has lost its flavor is has NO value.
If we as God loving ladies have no affect on our world around us than we are little value to God. We need to affect others positively just as salt bring out the flavor in potato salad! Salt bring out the flavor in food! (FYI did you know that for good health we must have salt cause our blood, sweat and tears are all salty)

Of course you know that you ladies are very brilliant!

Can a light on top of a hill or mountain be hid? If you all go with me to the DR ladies outreach next year you will see a mountain with a restaurant on top. It can not be hid at night, it shines for miles. So our light should not be hid either.
If we our hiding our lights we are
1) being quite when we speak
2) going along with the crowd
3) DENYING THE LIGHT (Jesus Christ)
4) letting sin in our lives dim the light (sin will dim the light)
5) not explaining our light to others
6) Ignoring the needs of others cause we do not have time to deal with their problems, cause we have a boat load of our own.

A little boy went to camp and his parents told him it was going to be hard for him cause most of the ones at this camp did not know Jesus.
At the end of the week,his Father picked him up and asked how did it go,I was praying for you. The little boy said oh it went great, NO ONE ever knew I loved Jesus it was no problem. Are we hiding our light so no one will know?

Some times we think we have to do something BIG for God and we miss the little things God asks us to do
This week a friend text ed me and asked for prayer. I was driving and had 2 grandsons with me.
So I stopped the car and told them we need to pray. Micah asked what we were to pray. I said I don't know but God does, so just pray what is on your heart. He prayed for a healing of peace. Later I text ed my friend, it was exactly what she needed. You are never to young or to old to do what God asks of us. We need to let our lights shine all day. Don't miss the Little things God asks us to do. Just stop and pray!
Hey ladies you are the light of the world. Like a friend said this week, I feel an urgency with-in my soul to press on and be that light for Him!

Become that woman today that when your eyes pop open and your feet touch the floor, Satan shudders and says OH...............NO......... she's awake!

Keep on ladies, you are making a Hugh difference and I love each one of you!

Post and tell me how your light shown this week. Don't be bashful, let your light shine!

Prayer requests/ post yours here today

Please pray for Fanning the Flame that starts tonight. Pray Gods word goes deep within us. Help us to want to change. Lets pray Ps.139:23-24 for each of us for this week

We have a number of sisters who are going through difficult times right now with-in their families. Can we just lift them up to God and ask God to please give them a healing peace to know God is in control. They need a reversal of destiny in their families!

Continue praying for Vern and Erma and Mindy. They are so re joying that Kevin is whole again and with his Lord. Erma said it is a celebration! She also said to thank you all for praying she felt your prayers.

Pray for the retreat coming up March 26-27. Pray God's will be done and his name be glorified this whole week-end.

Pray for the Beth Moore day coming up April 24th.

Pray for those who are down and can not seem to shake this depression off. Pray Gods love for them. Lets pray Zep. 3:17 for them today "God will quiet (you) with His LOVE

love you guys. thanks for praying remember to post also our prayer answers!

girlfriends reaching out

Wonderful ladies
We need some food brought in for the funeral this Thur.
We need jello salads; layered salads and cake and pies.
Please call me or LeiLani if you can help/.
Also if your free Thur, and would like to help in the kitchen,
please let us know. Thank you for helping
You can sign up at the girlfriends table at church today and tonight

Saturday, March 13, 2010

prayer requests

Please post your prayer requests here;

Please remember Vern and Erma Miller and Kevin's wife Mindy today.
Their son Kevin went home to be with the Lord last night.
He is dancing and running, he has a new body! We are praising God that he is free
but oh so hard to let him go. The family will miss him so!
Thanks for praying!

Pray for each other today!

Word for today

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run into it and are safe!

Ps.61:3 For you have been my refuge
A strong tower against the foe

Praise God for this promise!
We can run to God when the storms of life are over us
and he is our strong tower!!!!
Our Father will wrap his arms around you today!
Love you all

Coffee/breakfast together

Ladies; we are going to create a morning coffee/breakfast outing every Monday morning
at 9am at the Emma Cafe. We would love to have you join us!
If it gets to big we will move it somewhere else.
Hope to see you Monday morning!!


Ladies we are having a retreat at New Life Fellowship
March 26th and 27th
You are welcome to stay over night, we will have blow up beds or cots for you.
Sure you can do it, you can sleep one night on these beds! Bring your blankets and pillows
Cost is 20.00.and that is all your meals included!
I will post a schedule soon. If you have not signed up do it soon!
Our theme is Princesses in Pajamas YES wear your PJ'S all day we will
not care!!

Come being ready to be blessed by some of our Sisters sharing their journeys with us.
Come and be ready to be blessed, pampered and loved on, and OOOOOOH yes

Come and be ready for lots of laughter!!!!!

Beth Moore

Beth Moore will be at New Life Fellowship on April 24, 2010
From 10am to 4pm
Get your tickets today they are going fast!
Phone Carolyn @ 260-350-2694
The tickets are $15.00 and that includes lunch.
what a deal! It is going to be so cool to have you all come.
Beth is going to be talking on her new book
So long Insecurity (you have been a bad friend to us)
Have any of you got the book yet?
And have you started to read it?
If you have what has spoken to you the most so far?

I thought it was interesting her description of an insecure person

She harbors unrealistic exceptions about love and relationships.
These expectations for themselves and for others are often unconscious.
The insecure person creates a situation in which being disappointed and hurt in relationships
in most inevitable. Insecure people are easily and often hurt. They are usually unaware of how they are actually creating their own misery?
Is this you?

I to can relate....lets face this together......
Get your tickets today!

welcome girlfriends

Hello to our new blog spot.
I am excited to begin our blog.
Check here often to see all kinds of exciting things
that has and will be happening
at Out ladies group at new life fellowship