Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

NLF Gals Calendar of Events

NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Friday, December 17, 2010


I was reading this morning in the message bible and I came across some verses I just have to share with you all. I am reminded that this is how you guys are through these verses. love you all

Love from the center of who you are; don't fake it.
RUN for dear life from evil
Hold on for dear life to good
Be good friends who love deeply, practice playing second fiddle
Don't burn out. keep yourself fueled and aflame
Be alert servants of the Masters, cheerfully expectant.
Don't quit in hard times, Pray all the harder.
Help needy Christians, be inventive in hospitality.
Laugh with your happy friends, when they're happy
Share tears when they're down.
Get along with each other, don't be stuck up.
Make friends with nobodies, don't be the great somebody. Romans 12:9-16

Obedience from the heart! God wants us to offer ourselves as living sacrifices - daily laying aside our own desires to follow him. Putting ALL of our energy and resources that he has given us at His disposal and trusting Him to guide us!
We do this out of gratitude that our sins have been forgiven!
Do it joyfully for His service.
Praying for each of you during this precious season
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Blessings you recieved from Revelation study!

Hello Ladies
As I have been reflecting on the book of Revelation, I have been wondering how it is affecting your life by now?
Here is a list of blessings that you had on the last day of our study:
1) Trust and Rest in the future
2) A picture of Satan accusing us in front of Jesus like a tattle tale, but when we ask for forgiveness it is gone and Jesus says what??
3) Be READY I don't want anything in my heart to miss out on heaven
4) I now know that this world in not my home and know what is coming for us - be encouraged
5) greater desire to witness
6) greater understanding of Rev.
7) Always wondered is this all live is??? now I know this is not our home
8) Chapter 9 the description of Hell - chapter 21 description of heaven if they just read this, who would not choose heaven
9) I am coming ready
10) Sign on our foreheads - a testimony of how we live
11) learned how evil Satan is - Time is short - what is important is eternal things!
12) Time is NEAR
13) Confidence of my salvation
14) All things NEW
15) May I not waste a single blessing
16) Churches WAKE UP and where I am in the warnings to the Church's
17) Time is short
18) Over all Be obedient - Be listening - Be Bold
19) Took away the fear of dieing
20) God was in control all the time From Gen to Rev.
21) Excited for end times- need to witness each day
22) Need to remember Satan has no hold on me
23) If we hang on to unforgiveness we can not hang on to our first love!
24) Prayers of the Saints are so important
25) Book of Hope
26) Not knowing was the fear of Rev, now it is gone
27) We are overcomes -
28) Worship - full of worship to our God
29) end of Rev. very comforting, everything will be made NEW
30) I am longing for Home, I have eternity set in my heart -

Any day we can be finally home with our Lord!
There is nothing that needs to happen for our Lord to come and get His bride.
Rev, 22:17 The Spirit and the Bride say "come!" And let him who hears say "COME"
Who ever is thirsty let him come and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life!

Now I would like to hear how the Study of Revelation has changed your perspective on how you view others. Do you see them in a different way. In verse 17 the Holy Spirit, the bride (which is the church) is extending the invitation to all the world to come to Jesus and experience the joys of salvation in Christ.
Are you (wE) being those feet and hands to take the message of Jesus to others?
Tell me about those divine moments. (You can post right here, you do not have to email me)

The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen

Love you ladies!