Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

NLF Gals Calendar of Events

NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Monday, December 6, 2010

Mary Was a Reflective Woman
“My mom used to keep a record of things that happened in our family. But it was more than just a list; it became a book for each year, (I still have them today) As I look back on it, I realize how much work that would be and how much time that must of taken her!
It’s hard to take time to reflect when we’re so busy. It seems like any spare minutes we have get filled up with email, cell phones, or texing or face book.

We can learn something important from Mary of Nazareth. The Bible tells us that after she gave birth to Jesus, “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
Twelve years later, when she and Joseph found Jesus talking with teachers in the temple, once more she “treasured all these things in her heart.”

In the middle of her responsibilities, Mary took time to contemplate what was happening in her life and to meditate on what God had done.
When was the last time you were quiet before God and pondered all that He was doing? I hurry to spend so much time studying but then I forget to take time to sit back each morning and look out the window and longingly seek Him.

Since we have studyed the book of Revelation together, I see the importance of this. As we begin to look to our new study, I have a question for you to ponder.
How is your spiritual love life? (the study of Rev. and the study of Ruth goes along with this!)
1)On a 1 to 10 how would you rate your concern for others?

2)Are you ready to pay the price that comes with a sincere loving concern for your sisters?

This is what the bible says: "Little Children,let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them and show it by our actions." 1 John 3:18

We will find this thread of self-sacrificing love as we dig into Ruth. I am excited please sign up and join us~!

Love to all Carolyn


  1. thanks so much for the reminder! So often I get wrapped up in the things that I am doing that I forget why I am doing them and for who! I am so much a Martha that I ache to be a Mary. Each day I learn and feel something new about my Lord and it is hard to fathom the enormity of it all. With His help I will grasp what He wants me to know and learn.

  2. Amen Kim
    I have to remind myself each day that the only safe
    place to be is in the place where God wants me to be. As we study Ruth I am so reminded of that again that her family was not where God wanted them to be and to see what happens to them until she returns to where God wants them does the blessings flow again! THanks for saring
