Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

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NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Sunday, March 14, 2010

salt of the earth and light of the world/study for today

God calls us to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. Matt.5:13-16
if salt has lost its flavor is has NO value.
If we as God loving ladies have no affect on our world around us than we are little value to God. We need to affect others positively just as salt bring out the flavor in potato salad! Salt bring out the flavor in food! (FYI did you know that for good health we must have salt cause our blood, sweat and tears are all salty)

Of course you know that you ladies are very brilliant!

Can a light on top of a hill or mountain be hid? If you all go with me to the DR ladies outreach next year you will see a mountain with a restaurant on top. It can not be hid at night, it shines for miles. So our light should not be hid either.
If we our hiding our lights we are
1) being quite when we speak
2) going along with the crowd
3) DENYING THE LIGHT (Jesus Christ)
4) letting sin in our lives dim the light (sin will dim the light)
5) not explaining our light to others
6) Ignoring the needs of others cause we do not have time to deal with their problems, cause we have a boat load of our own.

A little boy went to camp and his parents told him it was going to be hard for him cause most of the ones at this camp did not know Jesus.
At the end of the week,his Father picked him up and asked how did it go,I was praying for you. The little boy said oh it went great, NO ONE ever knew I loved Jesus it was no problem. Are we hiding our light so no one will know?

Some times we think we have to do something BIG for God and we miss the little things God asks us to do
This week a friend text ed me and asked for prayer. I was driving and had 2 grandsons with me.
So I stopped the car and told them we need to pray. Micah asked what we were to pray. I said I don't know but God does, so just pray what is on your heart. He prayed for a healing of peace. Later I text ed my friend, it was exactly what she needed. You are never to young or to old to do what God asks of us. We need to let our lights shine all day. Don't miss the Little things God asks us to do. Just stop and pray!
Hey ladies you are the light of the world. Like a friend said this week, I feel an urgency with-in my soul to press on and be that light for Him!

Become that woman today that when your eyes pop open and your feet touch the floor, Satan shudders and says OH...............NO......... she's awake!

Keep on ladies, you are making a Hugh difference and I love each one of you!

Post and tell me how your light shown this week. Don't be bashful, let your light shine!

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