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Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Lord is a Strong Tower

A Strong Tower

Proverbs 18:10 says The name of the Lord is my Stong tower the righteous run into it and they are saved.
This verse is talking how God being strong and mighty, and he saves all that comes into him. It is also a verse that should be shouted by us in battle. It is a declaration and exclamation that if we call on the name of our God, he will save us.

How many of you know what I am talking about? The enemy had you covered on every side. There was no way out, but you called on the Lord and he placed a hedge of protection round and about you. God put up a fortified tower right in the midst of the enemy's camp, and told you to rest easy you are safe. Let take a closer look. Well we know that the definition of strong is having great physical strength and a tower is a extremely tall building. Their is no one stronger than Our God. He is taller than any situation that we may be facing and in God we find protection from our enemies. The righteous run into it and they are saved. We are the righteous - now don't get it twisted! Its not anything that we have done that made us righteous. The bible says our righteousness is as filthy rags unto God, but he considers us righteous because we are covered by the blood of the Righteous One God's son Jesus the Christ. We run and not walk because we believe that once we are inside we are indeed safe.

Are you running into that tower today? Are you seeking to be saved by the Master today? Are you looking to be rescued from some traps someone set for you? Does the enemy have you surrounded on every side? I want you to know that there is a Savior that has made an escape for you today. His name is Jesus! Call on him if you are seeking salvation and you will be saved. Call on his name if you are in bondage and you need to be freed. Call on the name of Jesus if you are surrounded, and watch how your enemies may have come in one direction to attack you, but he will flee in seven directions frantically. Call on the name of Jesus today and be saved.

What is a Strong Tower? A tower is not a modern day skyscraper or any tall building. A Strong tower is a place of safe refuge. It fights more enemies in its range, it causes more damage to the enemies, and can take more damage than the normal watch tower. A strong tower has large areas to sleep large amounts of men, and can hold and store a large amount of food. Its huge and heavily fortified. They are built of thick stone blocks and they are tough.

Now the spiritual similarities: Strong towers have thick stone blocks and are enormous. Our God is a rock, He is our fortress, Our stronghold. In fact in Psalm 61:3, David says of the Lord been his refuge and strong tower against the foe. How true. Our God is so huge. In Jeremiah 23:24 our Lord declares He fills the Heavens and the Earth. That's how big our God is. He fills it ALL. No situation is too Big for him. Luke 1:37 says ' For with God all things are possible'

Share how God is your strong tower today Carolyn

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