This is Jasmin's take on the DR. I am so thankful that God allowed Jasmin to be in our group. She blessed me so much and her heart in all for what God wants.....awesome!
DR TRIP 2011
I am so thankful for the opportunity to go to the DR. Someone shared on our trip that you can’t out give God. I feel God blessed me and worked in my heart far more than I was able to give. Even though we have been home almost a week, I am still trying to “process” my experience in the DR. This trip impacted me in many ways and opened my eyes to so much more.
1. I need to be disciplined in praying for our missionaries. They are amazing. It may take years for missionaries to see the harvest of the seeds they have planted. They may never see the harvest this side of heaven, but they are faithful to the call that God has placed in their hearts. Lord, help me to be faithful in prayer and with whatever resources you have given me to serve you.
2. The language barrier is not an obstacle when you are sharing the love of Christ. I sensed God working through hugs, smiles, laughter, and tears.
3. God continues to expand my circle of friends. He not only introduced me to brothers and sisters in the Dominican, but he deepened relationships with the women on the trip.
4. It was amazing to see 23 women – all coming from various walks of life and different personalities – connect so beautifully, together. I believe God called each of us to this DR trip and God worked a spirit of unity in each of us. We prayed together, shared together, cried together, laughed together – oh did we LAUGH together! Thank-you , Lord, for the way you worked in our relationships with each other.
5. I loved worshipping with my DR brothers and sisters. I was glad to have the morning devotions translated into English, but it was beautiful to hear scripture and their words in Spanish, too. Many times I could somewhat understand what was being shared just by the joy on their faces. Also, when we sang our worship songs in English and those same songs were also sung in Spanish – it was BEAUTIFUL. I imagined God hearing praises lifted to Him – in many different languages – as a sweet offering to Him.
6. God is in all the details. God worked out which areas we would serve in and with whom; He worked out all of the flight details to get us there; He worked it out so all of our luggage finally arrived. He worked in each of our hearts – healing hurts, healing relationships, giving insight, answering prayer, offering forgiveness. He also worked out the rain on Friday – allowing the much needed rain to fall while we were inside with the children and stopping the rain long enough to allow us time to play games and do the Bible story. God is truly AMAZING!
7. God did a work in my heart while we were there. I don’t want to lose that. I met a young man who has many physical struggles. His home is very “humble.” They do not have much, BUT, he has so much joy in his heart. He doesn’t dwell on his struggles but concentrates on his relationship with Christ. Melvin shared that he prays for all of us who come to visit him. Melvin completely rests in His Savior. Jesus is all he needs. His passion for Christ and his “resting” in the Lord were beautiful to behold. Oh Lord, forgive me for those times when I do not look to you and you alone.
8. We are not so different from those who live in the DR. We all have a need to be loved and cared for. We all need our Savior.
9. The people of the Dominican are much more relational than we are. They take the time to visit and develop relationships. At home, we seem to be caught up in busyness and schedules.
This experience has been a powerful one. I know that God has me here in Indiana, at this place, at this time, for a purpose. I desire to seek Him and be obedient to what He has for me here. The biggest thing I take away from this trip is that God does AMAZING things through a willing and obedient heart and He is ALL WE NEED. God “broke” my heart this week and I am thankful for it. He showed me, through the testimony of a man struggling with poverty and Cerebral Palsy, that when we have Christ, we have everything! “I said to the Lord, You are my Lord, APART FROM YOU I HAVE NO GOOD THING.” Psalm 16:2
In His Love, Jasmin