My sister Rosella is on the far right of this picture.
She lives in Texas and she joined us on this trip.
I am so thankful she got to come with us. This was her blessings in the DR
Rosella's Blessing:
The power of Prayer and God's faithfulness!
Hunger for God's Word among the teenagers, just wanting to hear and talk more.
God's creation in so many beauitful women and girls, faces I will never forget, Personalities so so different each displaying who they are.
Contenment among ladies who love God , Satisfied with God alone. Simple, simple life, sharing their simple pleasures.
Daisy, her dedication to the ladies and children, Her quite spirit, her love for God, Her love to teach them Gods Word, Her patience, Her love for teaching obedience to God.
DR people putting visiting and relationships before work and enjoying each other
A little girl waving good-bye with both arms as our truck left the work site, her waving good-bye never stopped as long as we could see her. What a precious girl, I wonder what a in that heart.
Unity among the American ladies, my sisters in the Lord. The caring and sharing with one another what a sweet fellowship, and great leadership of my little sister. Carolyn you loved and served well. Was so encouraged by your heart to serve and love for God. Thank you so much. God is Blessing you!
How smiles and hugs can bring great encouragment.
The amazing SI staff, The morning Prayer and worship! The encouraging thoughts spoken, The challenges spoken through God's Word. Each missionary hand picked by God for such a time as this in the DR. Cheryl and Maggie , the great care and food prepared was awesome, The bedtime chats we had were precious, even the echo's of the next cabin.
All in All my prayer is that I will daily pray eternally for souls in the DR. I will live for eternal purpose more and not for this world. I am more aware that the needs in the DR are no different than here in the USA. There are broken hearts, hungry children, abused children,Pain,suffering and a real need to be loved and encouraged. As one of the ladies gave her testimony she said when I obey God and stay in his word my life is easier. A life of purity is easier to live than a life full of sin. Jesus is the answer for this world, To be satisfied in Christ alone brings much Glory to God. With Jesus our struggles are cared for by God.
The DR women taught me so much, They do not need our life style we need more of theirs. Trusting God day by day for daily need in every way of life. Focusing more on Jesus and less on us. My sisters from NLF thank for sharing your week with me and blessing all of us with a termendous week we will never forget the team God put together. See Ya'll next year.
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