Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

NLF Gals Calendar of Events

NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Saturday, March 13, 2010

prayer requests

Please post your prayer requests here;

Please remember Vern and Erma Miller and Kevin's wife Mindy today.
Their son Kevin went home to be with the Lord last night.
He is dancing and running, he has a new body! We are praising God that he is free
but oh so hard to let him go. The family will miss him so!
Thanks for praying!

Pray for each other today!

Word for today

Proverbs 18:10
The name of the Lord is a strong tower;
the righteous run into it and are safe!

Ps.61:3 For you have been my refuge
A strong tower against the foe

Praise God for this promise!
We can run to God when the storms of life are over us
and he is our strong tower!!!!
Our Father will wrap his arms around you today!
Love you all

Coffee/breakfast together

Ladies; we are going to create a morning coffee/breakfast outing every Monday morning
at 9am at the Emma Cafe. We would love to have you join us!
If it gets to big we will move it somewhere else.
Hope to see you Monday morning!!


Ladies we are having a retreat at New Life Fellowship
March 26th and 27th
You are welcome to stay over night, we will have blow up beds or cots for you.
Sure you can do it, you can sleep one night on these beds! Bring your blankets and pillows
Cost is 20.00.and that is all your meals included!
I will post a schedule soon. If you have not signed up do it soon!
Our theme is Princesses in Pajamas YES wear your PJ'S all day we will
not care!!

Come being ready to be blessed by some of our Sisters sharing their journeys with us.
Come and be ready to be blessed, pampered and loved on, and OOOOOOH yes

Come and be ready for lots of laughter!!!!!

Beth Moore

Beth Moore will be at New Life Fellowship on April 24, 2010
From 10am to 4pm
Get your tickets today they are going fast!
Phone Carolyn @ 260-350-2694
The tickets are $15.00 and that includes lunch.
what a deal! It is going to be so cool to have you all come.
Beth is going to be talking on her new book
So long Insecurity (you have been a bad friend to us)
Have any of you got the book yet?
And have you started to read it?
If you have what has spoken to you the most so far?

I thought it was interesting her description of an insecure person

She harbors unrealistic exceptions about love and relationships.
These expectations for themselves and for others are often unconscious.
The insecure person creates a situation in which being disappointed and hurt in relationships
in most inevitable. Insecure people are easily and often hurt. They are usually unaware of how they are actually creating their own misery?
Is this you?

I to can relate....lets face this together......
Get your tickets today!

welcome girlfriends

Hello to our new blog spot.
I am excited to begin our blog.
Check here often to see all kinds of exciting things
that has and will be happening
at Out ladies group at new life fellowship