This is Dawn Christners words on her trip to the DR>
She is behind me in the picture. She was such a help to me before and during the
trip to the DR> She does a lot of behind the scenes work most of you do not know about. Thanks Dawn for all you do!
My thinking and understanding has not really changed as much as reinforced. This was not my first mission trip so it was more of a reminder. I have always had a passion to serve but going on trips like this makes it even more of a passion. It also reminds me of how blessed I am. Life in the US is easy and we take so much for granted, and because it is easy we sometimes forget that we need to leave everything in God’s hands! God is in control and it is His will not mine!
10 Things in no particular order! J
1. Gods timing is perfect!
2. All women on a mission-the stories that cannot be repeated!
3. Humility
4. Watching how the trip affected other women. Tears & Laughter!
5. The passion the missionaries feel for the country.
6. The fact that Rita could see changes in the country in the past 10 years means something is working.
7. Team Time
8. Power of Prayer
9. God’s will not mine.
10. God’s hand in everything!
This mission trip was really different for me. I think that it affected me differently because I had to deal with some physical restrictions. Humility was one of the big things God wanted me to learn this week. I am use to taking care of everything on my own. I don’t like to ask for help. In the DR I was unable to do some of the things that I wanted to do because of my foot. I prayed and prayed for healing before we left because I knew how difficult the trip would be if it didn’t heal. He didn’t heal it! Humility is not something you think of learning when you go on a mission trip but I did. I had to learn to accept the help of others. The day I had to stay at the SI base was extremely difficult for me, but I truly believe it was because Marcia needed to have that experience. I’m so glad that she was able to go in my place! God’s hand is in everything! I know that I don’t have to do things on my own and I am thankful to everyone for their help and for blessing me!
The great thing about a women’s mission trip is all the tear and laughter! It was such a blessing to me to listen to the women share about what God is doing in their lives, how they were affected by this trip and what it took to get them there. They had such an openness and desire to change things in their lives and follow where God is leading them. These ladies are amazing and I am so blessed to be able to call them my friends and thankful for the way that they touched my life!
It sounds like God worked in each one of your lives as well as the DR people. God always seems to know what we need, how much of it we need, and exactly when we need it. What blessings you must have received....Praise Jesus! So glad you all got back here safely and it sounds like with some great stories. Can't wait to hear them. Love you Dawn,