Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

NLF Gals Calendar of Events

NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dominican Republic

We are back in the United States and are glad to be home, but oh what a great Missions trip we have had. I am always so amazed that even though we went to bless others but God blessed us and spoke to us more that we blessed others.
God answered so many prayers this week and he answered them on his timing.
I hope that you continue to check this blog and see how God has blessed our ladies.
They are going to be blogging on here and telling you all about their trip.
Please ask the ladies how God spoke to them.
Thank you all for praying!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

chicken business the DR way

Hello all
Sorry that I have not blogged in a few days.
We have had some busy days. Working from sun-up to sun-down.
It is beautiful here and the weather has been nice. It has rained a lot here, but no one cares if they get wet, we just cool off that way.

Tues. I went to the micro-finance site and you all can click on the video and see the way this lady makes her living. She butchers 50 to 200 chickens per day.
Depends on her orders, 6 days a week.

Then I went to a social site and visited the site I was at last year. Mari Bowers gave a talk to the young ladies on sexual purity. It was really good and if you want to know more see Mari and ask her.

Tue evening we all divided up in groups, jumped on the truck and headed out to town to shop and eat dinner. The lady at the base that does all the cooking (Millie) is a much better cook that the rest. was up town. She is an awesome cook.

We then came back for team time to talk about how the day had affected you and how God was speaking to you. Many ladies have opened up there hearts in unbelievable ways. They are so wanting to be used by God and as God continues to break our hearts we then can be humbled by him and fall on our faces before Him and be used by God as he wants to use us.

After finally getting the middle room of ladies to quite down we all got to sleep. They are the rowdy bunch of ladies.... I wonder who is in that cabin. Like Jasmine, Kim, Brooke, Donna, oh my lists goes on.....

On wed we went to our sites and saw God work in awesome ways. Babies were born and
Kids were loved on and Ladies were fed the word of God.
We had team night again, crying and laughing and giving God the glory for the day.

Wed night we went to eat in the Dominican homes.
We were divided up into 9 groups and we ate in there homes.
Many of the Ladies returned, never to be the same ever again. God showed us hoe little they have and how happy and they were to be Gods children, and God showed us how we have so much and how unhappy we are. God broke the hearts of these ladies once again never to be the same!

Thur. already and we only have one more day to be in the DR. and be at the sites.
Today we left awoke with Gods heart in us and left ours in the room. How will it be different with the heart of God instead of our heart? I will be excited to find out tonight in our team time. We have to make Kettle Corn tonight for there snack for the Festive.

Tomorrow we have a Festive with lots of children. The first group is from 10-12 and the 2nd group will be 2-4 at 2 locations. Pray for us as we continue to serve in the DR. I am excited to see how you will see a difference in us.
Sorry the internet is not strong enough to upload video. Will do it when we get home

Monday, February 14, 2011


What an amazing day.
We were all at our ministry sites today.
A new baby was born at the Hospital site.
Ministry was done at the ladies social site, Kids were hugged at schools, a gal got a new shirt made from one of our ladies that took a news paper and made a pattern.
Some of the ladies wondered why they were placed at there ministry site, but all a amazed at what God is doing in there lives. My goodness, not one of these 23 ladies will ever be the same again.
What an amazing work God is doing in our group, unity and sharing our lives in ways that can only be Gods leading. One lady said it is amazing that we had to go 1000's of miles to hear and listen to God.

Tomorrow we go back out to the ministry sites and work again.
Some of the lades get to give there testimonies, some of the ladies get to go to a ladies house and butcher 100 I'm going to take pictures!! some are going to love on some more kids and the medical group have lots of babies scheduled for delivery tomorrow (c-sections) and then there are those that don't know what they well be doing, but please pray that God will again do am amazing things among us.

Tomorrow night we go into town and eat and get to have some Dominican Ice Cream...yum
Oh and do a little shoppng....

Thanks for praying!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Church in the Domincian

We all headed out to the Dominican church service this morning.
It is a beautiful morning and the sun was shinning beautiful.
As we arrived they were singing and praising God is such a beautiful way. Yes we could sing along with them....of course in English
The sermon was on praying for others and praying the word for others, unsaved and saved people.
Thank you all for praying

Hiking in the DR

There were a few ladies who decided to hike to the top the mountain today. All the way up we were vigorously assured that we were only trekking the easy trail and that the advance course was yet to come. So as we were huffing and puffing and walking up an incline so steep we could reach out and touch our toes without the least inconvenience, we were praying and preparing ourselves for some serious rock climbing. Little did we know that the severity of this hike was greatly exaggerated by our dear Kathy. We were encouraging one another and talking about what we would do when we got to the top when she graciously informed us that we were in fact at the top already.
The view was definitely worth hike. As we stood at the pinnacle the city was lain out before us. It was a stunning reminder of how small we really are and how big a God we serve that holds the world in His hands.

Posted by Kathy Stienbarger


Last evening we still one piece of personal luggage that did not arrive. Seeing as how we are Sisters...we are willing to share everything...including ..... One sister came to the rescue and offered her an extra new pair she had brought along. At the idea of clean & new ...she was overcome with joy. Altho in all the excitement she forgot where they were suppose go.

Posted by someone other then Carolyn