What a great time we all had this past Monday.
We met in 4 different homes, with 4 different leaders and 4 different hosts.
What a blessed time we all had. We are in 4 different homes but remember ladies we are all still one. 60 ladies feeling the same feelings and caring about the same things.
As we begin the study on Ruth we asked you to tell us in one word how you are feeling right now. Below are the different feeling you are having.......
"Hurried stale changing frustrated full intrigued concerned stressful transition searching unmotivated calmer floundering overwhelmed Stretched Blessed New Waiting
Content Restless Questioning Confusion Searching Seeking Striving Busy Thankful frazzled progress challenged hectic anxious"
Then we asked you to tell us one specific goal you have for this year for being in the word. The following are your goals.......
Desire to read through the Bible this year
Desire to keep learning and growing in the Word
Accountability with Bible Study
Desire to find time to Be Still, Be Silent, and Listen
Desire to focus and be disciplined in studying the Word
Apply the Word
Rest in the Word
Desire to be disciplined, daily, to read
Desire to learn the stories - didn't grow up in the church to hear the stories
Be active and truly SEEK the Lord with renewed intensity and dedication.
I want to confidently understand the Bible and be able to explain it to others.
Be able to take my study and make time to really understand and learn what God has in store for my life.
Grow in Faith
Growing closer
God first place in my life
Submission to God, flat on my face before Him
Follow God, work in progress
In Mark 6:30-31, the apostles gathered around Jesus to report all they had done on the journey they were sent out to do. But they were surrounded by so many people coming and going that they didn’t get a chance to eat. Jesus told them something that I believe is important for us today. He said, ” Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest”.
That is a powerful message to us ladies. Meeting with Jesus in a quiet place is where you will and are filled with his peace to get through your day. You bring glory to God as you seek his counsel and direction for all that you face.
The Creator of this earth desires to have fellowship with you. He wants to give you all that is good and to lead you in the paths that he has set for you before you were born. But you must be willing to listen for his still, quiet voice as you spend time in his presence. He is willing to take you through all of your struggles.
What the enemy does not want you to know is that YOU will get more done in your day if you begin it on your knees before God. Who had a bigger agenda of things to be done than Jesus? And yet not one of them was begun until AFTER he met with the Father! And yet he finished each task completely. That message of truth needs to be understood by everyone, especially busy women like us.
"Instead of trying to fit Christ into your life in 2011, lets ask him to help us put our life into his"! - let me repeat this - "Instead of trying to fit Christ into your life in 2011, lets ask him to help us put our life into his!"
If we did this my sisters would our one word characterizing our life still be the same?
I pray that as we study Ruth together, we will find that one true kinsman-Redeemer, Christ our Lord.
Dear Lord Jesus, I pray for my Sisters who are struggling with demands on her time, or who is just overwhelmed with life itself. I pray she will feel your presence as you draw her into a deeper fellowship with you. May your peace and rest fill her and may she know that nothing can stop the purpose and plan that you died to give her.
I know Father that you will answer this prayer cause this is your desire to.
In Jesus Name Amen
Love you all have fun studying Gods word!!