Pam is on the far left side of this picture
She is a blessing to me. She hears when God speaks and is always there to help
in her quite meek ways. Thanks Pam for these words.
A big thanks to Carolyn and all for their hard work before and during our trip. the verses, etc. before and the team mtg. during were a big help to prepare us for our "mission". Thank you!
My 10 major impacts from our trip:
1) power of prayer
2) reward for obedience
3) power of prayer
4) God's answers to prayer
5) Building and enhancing relationships
6) power of prayer
7) mission workers willingness to serve
8) our many blessings as servers/servees
9) opportunity for building a deeper relationship w/God through our worship time and interaction w/our site leaders
10) As Mari so well stated: Many times we are called to do something for our Lord and He reveals to us a reason for our own experience is something totally different from what we were expecting.
As you can probably tell, the major impact to me was the power of prayer and
God's perfect timing in answering it.
We had many answers to prayer before and during our trip. I personally had one and I just thank the Lord for his answer because it allowed me to have a good week and drew me closer to Him.
The other major impact was the strengthening of my relationship with God which is why I feel I was lead/pushed to be on this trip.
Mission trips are to me more of a blessing and growth for the ones going than for the ones we are ministering to. Because of the language barrier and the short termness of the trips it is hard to see the long term impact we may have on the people. Just from the time spent w/22 other sisters and seeing some of the things God accomplished in their lives in one week has done a lot of work in my life.
The worship times in the mornings got us ready for the day and the Team time in the evenings helped us to assimilate all we had seen and felt into our own lives.
The time spent helps us to be better sisters and disciples for God which is what He calls us to be.
God did some amazing things for us, with us, and through us because of our obedience to His call and our stepping into the water, in faith as his disciples.
God overcame the persistence of the enemy in His own time and way due to our obedience and faithfulness in Him.
It is awesome obedience and a big leap of faith to be a missionary. To surrender all the "comforts" to surrender to God's call to be a disciple. I just hope we were an encouragement to them as they shared their "hearts" with us.
One final thought, just shortly after we left the airport, someone noticed what looked like a cross in the sky from the exhaust for 2 planes crossing each other's path. I had this thought come to me that God was thanking us for our willingness to pick up the cross and spread its symbol of Good News to others as God's disciples.
Marian sent this to my email.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to put this on the blog for her
She said:
Wow, powerful! My heart rejoices!