Kris is was an inspiration to us all. Thanks Kris for the wonderful shirts! What a blessing they were!
Kris's thoughts on the DR
I'm not sure where to start. This trip was so different than I expected in so many ways. All the other times I have been to the DR we have always built something. So we saw results right away. I don't know if I will ever see result in the DR from this trip. I hope so. I think I see more results in me personally than I expected. I really struggled in the beginning of the week. I felt like I was doing nothing but standing around. I was placed in the Physical Therapy site by the lady in California. She had never met me and why in the world would she put me there. I tried to have an open mind but that was really hard for me. Tuesday night at team time I expressed my feelings and we had a special prayer for Marcia, Tara, and I. Wednesday morning the three of us prayed before we started our day. It was more like what I expected and I really enjoyed the day. We got to do more hands on therapies and I found that I really liked being able to do that. Thursday I heard God screaming at me. I think He put me there because He wants me to pursue being a Physical Therapy aide. I have really struggled with that because I have felt for years that Fritz and I would go into missions at some point in our life. I'm not sure how the two will fit together but God knows. I am praying for a willing heart to do whatever He wants me to. I would love to be able to do both and maybe even in the DR. The people of the DR have stolen my heart.
I have also learned that what my plan is, is not necessarily Gods plan. We learned that God is in control of every detail. All the way down to the smallest detail, like the cross in the sky from the exhaust of two planes crossing each other. That was a conformation to all of us that God is ALWAYS in control.
I have never gone on a mission trip that was all women. I have to admit I was scared, but God was in control of that as well. I feel very blessed to have come away from the trip with 22 special sisters. I have known some of them for a long time, others only for a few years, and still others not at all. God couldn't have chosen a better group of women for this trip. We had some really funny times, lots of tears, and lots of talking. Some of us talked longer into the night(Cabin 3)
than others, but I had a great time with my cabin pals. I guess to boil it down the biggest thing I learned again is GOD IS IN CONTROL.
If you ever get the chance to go on a mission trip and God is nudging you to go, follow His call. You will be truly blessed.
Love you all,
Kris Bontrager
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