This is Donna's take on the DR. She is a blessing to me. She did not know anything about sewing, but never once did she say anything about not going to her site, she would just laugh. It was clearly not about Donna. She found out why she was placed at that site. Its cool how God works!
Donna says:
When asked to name my top 2 things that had a major impact...after narrowing it down from 10...were meeting & spending time with Celi - and - seeing the power of prayer.
When asked what this had done to my thinking/world view of missions...It reminded me that I need to spend more time in prayer for all those who have heard God call them into missions, whether long term or short term. Also, to pray for the people they are coming in contact with, that they may have an open heart to hear and receive God's gift of Mercy & Grace.
The last question was Why did God bring me on this mission trip...and I think it was answered in the 2 previous questions. Meeting a lot of special kids and giving lots of hugs...seeing God move thru prayer...meeting some incredible mission field workers...and getting to build special relationships with 22 other women was such a blessing I can't really put it into words.
The main thing I want to tell you is that "YOU CAN'T OUT-GIVE GOD". I went down to the Dominican Republic hopeing God could use me to make an impact...and returned with blessings overflowing. New relationships with relationships with SI relationships with the girls in Los Higos...and a new appreciation for "air travel"...hahaha
Prayer is so powerful...we need to approach the throne with our thanks and petitions and then listen to hear his voice leading and moving us to action.
Thank you Lord for an experience that can only be described as AMAZING!
Donna Bontrager
It must have been so thrilling to feel the power of God move in such a marvelous way, both in the people of the DR and also among the 23 ladies. Praise God for His infinite Grace and Mercy! Thanks for being willing to go and share God's Love with these people. It takes lots of courage!! Love you!