There were a few ladies who decided to hike to the top the mountain today. All the way up we were vigorously assured that we were only trekking the easy trail and that the advance course was yet to come. So as we were huffing and puffing and walking up an incline so steep we could reach out and touch our toes without the least inconvenience, we were praying and preparing ourselves for some serious rock climbing. Little did we know that the severity of this hike was greatly exaggerated by our dear Kathy. We were encouraging one another and talking about what we would do when we got to the top when she graciously informed us that we were in fact at the top already.
The view was definitely worth hike. As we stood at the pinnacle the city was lain out before us. It was a stunning reminder of how small we really are and how big a God we serve that holds the world in His hands.
Posted by Kathy Stienbarger
God is soo good - God is covering you all with his wings - cant wait to see what great things he has in store for you all. God will bless you as much as you will bless others!! Praying for you all! Penny