Growing to be Christ like living for Him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

Our desire is to become more like Christ and serve him wholeheartedly one girlfriend at a time!

NLF Gals Calendar of Events

NLF Girlfriends calendar of events

Friday, March 25, 2011

retreat March 25-26

Tonight starts our retreat.
I am excited to spend some time with all of you.
I know that God has some wonderful things planned for each of us.
We have so much to be thankful for I just have to tell you all about it.

First of all Donna's Head aches are better and plans to attend the retreat.
(praise the Lord)
Jasmine and Dawn are better (very bad colds)
I am feeling 99% better Praise God!
Patti's daughter accepted the Lord this week and her and her husband are attending church in Ohio....Praise the Lord
And our dear friend Joyce is ok. She and her husband flew their plane to Florida and at landing the right engine stalled.. God was not finished with them yet and they landed ok. she said she thought she was going to see God face to face last night. Praise God she is ok!!

We have so much to be thankful for. I am in awe of our gracious God who loves us and shows His love for us, that even while we were sinners He died for us and gave us hope!

One of our verses for Friday night at the retreat is
Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached to the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and Than the end will come.

We must go, we must work, we must do what God has called us to do..
and then someday our struggles will be over here on earth and we will enter our Saviors presence forevermore!! Oh what a day this will be!

Lets praise our Father today, cause he is worthy of our praise!
Love you all ladies, see you tonight!


  1. Luk 15:20 "So he got up and went to his father. While he was still far away, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him affectionately.
    Luk 15:21 Then his son told him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I don't deserve to be called your son anymore.'
    Luk 15:22 But the father told his servants, 'Hurry! Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.
    Luk 15:23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it, and let's eat and celebrate!
    Luk 15:24 Because my son was dead and has come back to life. He was lost and has been found.' And they began to celebrate.

    We are indeed celebrating in the Sines household. Our daughter Abby has returned to the God of her childhood.

    Abby has had a medical scare. She is diagnosed with severe cervical dysplasia (abnormal cells; she is 31 with two young sons). She will be having a LEEP on Tuesday, a procedure to remove the cells, and then she will go for testing frequently to monitor for any more abnormal cells.

    The news could have been much worse. But we are praising God not only for the good medical news, but for the BEST news. She and her husband Steve have had their eyes opened to the need for God in their lives.

    Carol Miller and I have been praying for several weeks the "whatever it takes" prayer for our adult children. I was unaware that Abby had proceeded with medical tests although I knew she had a PAP test that needed follow-up; she was "sparing her mom worry" until she knew exactly what was going on. She called last week when she went in for a more definitive test, and I asked a few more to join me in the "whatever it takes" prayer.

    Yesterday she phoned with the results, and while she still needs another procedure, the news could have been much worse. But her better news was spiritual: she has returned to the God of her youth. And she and Steve, her hubby, have recognized their need for change in their lives. They are praying together, reading the Bible together, and are starting to church this Sunday.

    The only time Abby cried on the phone yesterday was when she said she wished her dad and I could be there when Steve gets saved. But God will be and there will be rejoicing in heaven!

    It turns out God has been behind the scenes working for awhile...a couple they are good friends with (and Steve works with the guy) started attending a Vineyard church in Youngstown, Ohio, where they all live, awhile ago. This is nothing short of a miracle; I know this couple and God has apparently gotten hold of their lives also!

    Abby and Steve sense that time is short. Steve is unchurched and was raised in a spiritual vacuum, but sees the need for radical change in his life. This is the Holy Spirit at work in him.

    Please join me in praying for the Cooper family. Pray a hedge of protection around them. Bind the strong man. Pray for a speedy commitment to the Lord for Steve. Pray that God will meet our grandsons Tyson(8) and Tyler(3) where they are. Pray that God will give Steve a deep desire for the word of God and that he will be able to step up as the spiritual head of his family. And pray that God will then use Steve for the kingdom. Steve is an awesome man...he sells cars and folks LOVE him. Steve on fire for the Lord would be like our Bill on fire for the Lord!

    And now my confession. I confess my lack of faith that this would ever happen. I confess my limiting God. Shame on me. Do not EVER stop praying or believing God can and will do mighty and miraculous things! And don't be afraid to pray "whatever it takes!"

    Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

    In Him, Patty Sines

  2. Thanks for sharing Patty.
    God is working in ways we do not know of....
    Praise God for your wonderful news.
    We will pray God works in Steves life and that he will give his heart to God! And for your grandchildren...... We serve an awesome God!
    Jeremiah 4:1 "Break up your unplowed ground".
    We continue to pray this for all our hearts.
