I have been wanting to write on this blog for a long time. But, I had to wait until the words could come. I don't know about a top 10 list but here are my thoughts. God showed me He is God and I am not. He is always in control. Just as it should be. I went to the DR with such anticipation to go to the hospital and see how things were done in other countries. Meeting Fernando was a blessing. He and his family so young and with the commitment to serve the Lord. The sacrifice that he has made. The humble home and office that he has. If he was a Dr in the United State how his life would be so different. Different but not better. I saw the "politics" of the hospital there that drove him crazy just like we have here in the US. This is a man who God has given a gift to and he uses it everyday to serve others. It was awesome when Fernando would have a short time of scripture reading and prayer with his patients at the clinic before he treated them. What a comfort to his patients. Consider what our healthcare system would be different if we used this as our model. Being a doctor because you want to help and heal and not because you want to be some sort of social elite or make an enormous amount of money.(I know a lot of doctors here that are doctors because they do love people and using their gifts.)
I loved being with Pat, Pam, and Mary (from the dentist group) We all got along very well and learned from each other. Praying over a baby of 16 year old girl, giving clothes to the women at the hospital for their new babies were all blessings to us. Loving the Hatian woman who was not treated so kindly at the hospital because she was Hatian. I hope that even with the language barrier she could see the love of Jesus in us. (Even though I tried to steal her baby everyday!! HAHA)
Many of you know that Maria, my birthmother died just two months before we left for the DR. This has been hard for me. I thought I would have so many more years with her. When we went to the waterfall I kept thinking "Oh how I wish I could share this experience with Maria." Maria loved hiking and being outdoors she would have loved hearing about that experience. I guess my comment to that is never take for granted how long you will have with someone. You never know when they will not be with us any longer. Maria taught me a very important lesson, don't ever judge people. Some people are at different points in their life spiritually. We as Christians need to remember that as not to push others away from our goal, leading them to Christ our Savior.
I know you all thought I hated mornings. I really didn't I just like to stay in bed a little longer! God was good He gave us perfect lessons each day to learn more about Him. I was thankful for our quite time and starting my day with Jesus. We have had a struggle in our life for a couple of years with our son Dylan. He is trying to find his way and some of his ways are not what we would have chosen for him. Dylan and I can fight. It never used to be like that between us. I have the desperation of a mother who wants to never see him struggle. He has the desperation of a young man who just needs to figure things out. For a very long time before we left for our trip the Lord kept whispering to me, wash his feet. I am embarrassed to say I didn't. I was disobedient. When we got our packets for our early morning bible reading one of the lessons was to be on washing feet. We never did that lesson as a group.....what a lesson that was to me though. I really felt like God was confirming to me wash my sons feet. I talked with Maggie about this one night and she felt as I did, I needed to humble myself and do this to show my son forgiveness. Saturday night I told Dylan of this. He took it like I was afraid he would and he said you are not going to wash my feet. What I told him was, ok I won't physically do it but, I want you to hear that the fighting needs to stop. I want you to understand in telling you what I felt the Lord wanted me to do I am doing it with my words. I explained to him there is nothing he could or will ever do that will ever make me stop loving him. He is my child and I love him with every ounce of my soul. Isn't it funny that we do the same to Jesus? Sometimes we fight and try to do things our way. Our Lord sometimes has to sit back and be patient with us. Watch us mess up. He never stops loving us though no matter what. He loves us with His unconditional love.
Jesus has taught me from the trip that He can strip us down to look at ourselves and our lives to see what is really important. Things are just things. We can do with much less. We need to be obedient to Him. He never forgets us. He is faithful wherever we are. Jesus put some people in my life that shared their stories with me about their lives. They gave me hope that my son will find his way back to the Lord too. Now they have a story to share with a mama to give her hope.Their bumps and bruises along the way were not in vain. I am so thankful for their openness with me. I love you all.
Dawn Sturdivan
Oh Dawn what a beautiful testiment. . .and I feel your pain with Dylan. I struggled with my oldest daughter as you are. Sometimes (and I know this is hard) we need to allow God to work in their lives with whatever it holds. It will give them strength and wisdom to carry them through other situations and even compassion for someone else that is going through the same situation someday. My promise from God is through Jeremiah 24:7 I pray this every day! "Give them a heart to know YOU" Love you and praying for Dylan Kim Taylor