Wow on day 5 already: Your doing great!
Have you ever seen a space shuttle take off, even if it was just on TV?
I remember the sense of awe and wonder!
That huge amount of energy and explosion that it took to get that space shuttle off the launch pad! It's just breath-taking how much energy that took! And, then it shoots up into the sky, and when it breaks through, it's used up 95 percent of its fuel at lift off. WOW
It breaks through, and now it basically uses no fuel. It uses hardly any fuel at all for the rest of its journey.
That's how eating with God is. At first it's going to feel a little difficult.
But do you know what? If you will just stick with it, just say, "You know? I'm going to succeed when I can and I'm going to let the rest go.
I never done this before, it's just something I want to do and I even believe it is something God wants me to do.
Our verse today is and I believe everyone knows this verse by heart, but do we really know it in our heart?
Matthew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. Key words ASK! God is saying just ask me and I will help you eat with me, cause this is my will to have communion with you!!
So just one bite at a time, eat with Jesus, and let Him worry about the getting you to the point where it's easy, cause he will.
Have you gotten to one of those "AW Ha" moments yet?
Have a great day Carolyn
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